Thursday, January 27, 2011

California Dreamin'

In late February, I’m going to be moving to San Francisco to work in Bessemer’s Menlo Park office.

Having lived in NYC for most of my life, the move is really bittersweet. On the bitter (read: sad) side, my life is in NYC. I love my friends here, my family, the people I’ve gotten to know in the tech community these past four+ years… And, of course, I love NYC. I’m such a freakin’ New Yorker. I’m impatient, snarky, optimistic yet cynical… if they gave tickets for speed walking on sidewalks, I would have had my sidewalk-walking license revoked.  Lets see whether SF mellows me out...

But of course, there’s the sweet side. I've always wanted to give San Francisco a try -- it has so much to offer. The tech scene, the weather (how can you not think about that on a week like this one?), Sonoma, Yosemite, avocados, hanging out with my BVP colleagues in Menlo Park… And did I mention it’s legal to drive a Segway on the sidewalks in SF? Just sayin’.

But man oh man…. it’s going to be a huge change.

What this means:

Am I leaving NYC’s tech scene? Hell no! When Jeremy first broached the idea of moving to San Francisco, one of the first things out of my mouth was that I wanted to be able to visit NYC as frequently as I’d like. I’m a NYC tech community groupie and a huge fan of the many exciting companies growing up in NYC. So sorry, but you ain’t getting rid of me!

Is this permanent? Your guess is as good as mine.

Anything you can do to help? Gosh – thanks for asking. Honestly you guys, excluding the Bessemer folks, I can count all my friends and close contacts in San Francisco with two hands…. Maybe one. In the late nights when reality of the move hits, one of the things that always re-energizes me is the thought that my wonderful friends in NYC will have wonderful friends in San Francisco and help us connect. So from the bottom of my New Yorker heart, I would welcome any and all introductions to friends and contacts in the Bay area. If anyone comes to mind, you can reach me via email at [sarah] at bvp dot com. I will love you forever. And of course, if you are a SF-based reader of my blog (thank you!) please reach out! I’ve met a lot of great people in NYC thanks to my blog, and hope SF will be no different. 

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