Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pitch Deck Study Hall

There has been a lot of chatter in the NYC VC ecosystem lately about Office Hours. The idea is a VC hosts a 1-2 hour time in which entrepreneurs can stop by and spend 15 minutes with the VC to get some feedback on their startup.

I love the idea of Office Hours, but my firm is based in leafy Larchmont, so I'm not sure anyone would make the trip. :)

Not to be deterred, here's my Manhattan-challenged twist: Pitch Deck Study Hall.

If you would like confidential feedback on the structure of your pitch deck, the content, a section, the idea itself, or anything else, send me your deck. I'll block off 2 hours on my calendar next Friday to go through as many decks as possible (first come first serve).

I'll send any notes I scribble on your deck your way, as well as any other quick thoughts I may have.

I promise to keep the deck (and my feedback) completely confidential.

And in case you're wondering what's in it for me, I will direct you to my blog post on VC's freemium model.

So if you're interested, please feel free to shoot me an email at sarah [at] bvp [dot] com.

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